Management Console

The Yonoton Management Console offers a web-based, easy-to-use platform for administrators to manage all data related to the Application, PoS system, Kiosks, Webshop and NFC.

One management interface for various touchpoints

The web-based Management Console is the heart of all of the Powered by Yonoton services. It allows you to operate and manage everything from outlet products to images, pricing and inventory, running marketing campaigns, communication and engagement programmes, to analysing the target audience and current customers. The smooth user interface enables you to run your business efficiently without extra hassle


With dozens and dozens of features to choose from, you can build an app that matches yours and your customers needs exactly.

One data platform

One data platform

All of the data in one platform. Cut costs from using multiple different systems that produce scattered data. We provide you with tons of information for you to run your business more successfully.

One place management

One place management

Nobody wants to manage information in multiple of softwares. Now you can handle everything simply from one place (e.g. products of PoS, App, Kiosk, and webshop)



We have dozens of ready integrations with our partners and the number constantly increases. We are happy to integrate to other systems that are essential to our clients.



Your customer data from all of our sales channels will be now in one single location.

Multi merchant clients

Multi merchant clients

Yonoton fully supports complicated multi merchant environments, where clients may have different brands operating in several countries and with different business ID’s.

Manage user levels

Manage user levels

There are numerous user level options defining what actions one user can take. Groups can be in example: executive, accounting, marketing, communications manager, employee, etc.


User can manage everything single handedly from products on sale to menus, prices, discounts, happy hour or other special products, combos, images, allergens, inventories, recommended products and so on. Management console enables the user to manage all of Yonoton’s sales channels simultaneously.

Creating coupons

Coupons are considered as benefits for the application customer, and this can be used in many different ways as they can also be configured and customized to your needs. Coupons can be 1) public for all users 2) shareable 3) single or multi use coupons 4) consumable inside or outside the app 5) consumable by the user 6) available only during certain time period, etc.

Managing outlets

The Merchant page is where the information on the business entity that is selling the products is set. Depending on the user role, one can handle either single or multiple merchant outlets from the console. These can be such as opening hours, payment methods, images, contact details, currency, reporting and receipt related issues.

Membership cards

Digital membership cards are built to replace the physical plastic cards. Users can individually set up membership card level discounts and benefits. One can set different benefits for different user types and and for various validation time periods. The cards are highly customizable and can be granted one-by-one or for masses


Powered by Yonoton platform provides multiple off the shelf integrations for various services such as payment services, cash register operators, mapping services, marketing automatisation, data visualisations, ticketing and property management. Our partners include global players e.g. Visma, Adyen, Nets, MobilePay, SoftPay, VIPPS, AfterPay, Zoined… If we don’t already have the integration you wished for - we’ll do it!

The most obvious benefits of application is that customers can now order and purchase products in advance. Companies such as Starbucks has shown us how making customer journey and purchase processes easier, can increase sales.

Aku Vikström
CEO NoHo Partners 





Pretty Boy Wingery



Burger Company


Solmu Brewery

Night People Group


Rolls Rice



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