
All the power inside a screen of any size. Ease your pain points and benefit from running your operations digitally. Increase sales, save from operational costs and spare money for not using stand-alone solutions.

Powered by Yonoton the omnichannel platform

Branded app, webordering, POS (point-of-sale), self-service kiosks and NFC-payment options. You can now manage everything from one place. All Powered by Yonoton products at once or one by one! Watch how it works in HERE

Management Console

One interface for management of various touchpoints. A web based Management Console is the heart of all Powered by Yonoton services. It allows you to operate and manage everything from outlet products to images, pricing and inventory, running marketing campaigns, communication, engagement programmes etc. Smooth user interface enables you to run your business efficiently without extra hassle.

Order management

Operations through a central point, which allows for smooth restaurant operations. Yonoton Order Mananagement (Yorma) connects mobile orders from the mobile app, webshop, point-of-sale and kiosk as well as external sales interfaces into the same operations pipeline.


An app that is branded to your company. Digital ordering, payments, engagement, marketing and comminication. The Powered by Yonoton -platform offers battle-tested features off the shelf. We support multi-merchant environments in several countries.


An optimised cloud-based point of sale experience for your staff and customers. Yonoton PoS is a cash register, ordering and management interface for the Powered by Yonoton platform. It is a seamless experience that ties together all of the customer interfaces into one management platform. The Yonoton PoS is an interface that allows customers to interact with the Yonoton platform even without downloading an app.


Save time and serve your customers faster than ever by deploying our self-service kiosks. Handle everything from products and pricing, to inventory and images from one place – the Yonoton Management Console. Keep everything synchronized regardless of the platform (app, webordering, kiosk, etc.). Kiosks come in all sizes and with different features.


Allow your customers to purchase through an online system to maximise your revenue potential. Yonoton Webordering is created of modular frames that can be inserted into any websites. Features that exists in the application will be at the disposal of the webshop. Start selling your products through webshop and provide your customers an easy and modern way to order products. No commission!


With several key features off the shelf to choose from, you can build an app that matches yours and your customers needs.

One data platform

One data platform

All of the data in one platform. Cut costs from using multiple different systems that produce scattered data. We provide you with tons of information for you to run your business more successfully.

One place management

One place management

Nobody wants to manage information in multiple of softwares. Now you can handle everything simply from one place (e.g. products of PoS, App, Kiosk, and webshop)



We have dozens of ready integrations with our partners and the number constantly increases. We are happy to integrate to other systems that are essential to our clients.



Your customer data from all of our channels will be now in one single location.

Multi merchant clients

Multi merchant clients

Yonoton fully supports complicated multi merchant environments, where clients may have different brands operating in several countries and with different business ID’s.

Manage user levels

Manage user levels

There are numerous user level options defining what actions one user can take. Groups can be in example: executive, accounting, marketing, communications manager, employee, etc.





Pretty Boy Wingery



Burger Company


Solmu Brewery

Night People Group


Rolls Rice



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Please send us a message and we’ll show you how our magical gadgets will significantly improve your business.

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