Yonoton’s breakthrough

The year 2019 has been a breakthrough for Yonoton. We managed to exceed all goals set for this year. 

Just to mention a few… 

Financially. In 2019, Yonoton’s annual turnover has over quadrupled from last year. The same pace will continue next year when turnover is estimated to reach seven figures. 

Among several positive news of 2019 was that Finnish government organization grant 1,25m€ for Yonoton. Business Finland’s YIC funding is intended for the most promising and rapidly growing scale-ups. 

Year 2019 was also the year of internationalization. In July we launched our service at Norway’s largest amusement park, Dyreparken. Service proved to be an instant success reaching 50.000 downloads in July only and being the most downloaded travel application in the whole of Norway. 

New international clients also include one of the world’s largest restaurant service provider, Sodexo, that runs 34.000 restaurants in 80 countries. 

Yonoton is also digitalising NoHo Partners Plc’s services. NoHo is a stock exchange-listed company that runs 250 restaurants in the Nordics. Outside of the restaurant business, we are looking forward to launching our new ear digital service to Europe’s largest sports and leisure center, Vierumäki.  

Also, Yonoton family grew during the year 2019. We strengthened our core-team by appointing new Commercial Director, Software Engineering Director, and Customer Success Manager. We also found our brand-new home from Helsinki by moving to Maria01, the Nordic’s leading startup campus. 

During the 2019 Yonoton kicked-off cooperation with several companies. In October we launched sales cooperation with one of Europe’s leading service companies in digital payments, Nets. As well as Nordea, the largest financial services group in Northern Europe.

This was a brief recap of Yonoton’s successful year 2019. 

Next year will be even more interesting. We are super-anxiously waiting to put in practice our unique (patent pending!) innovative technology regarding customer recognition and digital payments.

Best regards,

Teemu Karenius, CEO

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