Yonoton is growing and relocating

We are excited to announce that Yonoton is moving to a new bigger office space in Helsinki.

Why are we moving? Simply, because we have grown rapidly during the past couple of years.

Yonoton has now 24 emplyees in it's ranks, and we are constantly looking for new talents. We fully support remote and hybrid work, however we as a modern IT company want to provide the best possible working environment for our employees. 

Also, the coolest thing is that we will also have a full scale showroom / Yonoton Lab (with pink carpet - of course!), where we can present the full functionality of the Yonoton Omnichannel Platform for our clients, partners and collaborators. 

We want to thank Maria01, one of the biggest startup hubs in the Europe, for being our home for the past couple of years. 

We cannot think of a better way to start off 2022 than relocating to newly renowated office at Ruoholahti, Helsinki. Yonoton HQ's new address from now on: Itämerenkatu 23, 00180 Helsinki. We warmly welcome you to come and check out our new premises. 

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