Yonoton appoints Riku Marttila from Vincit

Yonoton strengthens its core-team with the appointment of Riku Marttila as a Senior Software Developer

Marttila, 30, makes a transition to Yonoton from Vincit, a public software company.

Tell us little bit about your background?
I spent the last 6 years consulting so I’ve gone through a wide variety of roles working with companies ranging from early stage startups to publicly listed companies. That includes everything from developer to project manager. The last two years I spent in California learning how companies work over there.

Why Yonoton?
I especially liked the well defined product idea and the opportunity to work in a small compact team. After years as a consultant it’s nice to see a product company more in-depth. 

Thoughts of jumping from a listed company to a startup?
I’m looking forward to the responsibilities and varying tasks that a small team brings. It’s interesting to get to work on a product in a more long-term way.

Experience from startups?
Not directly but i’ve worked with dozens of startups during the years. I’ve seen companies in all different stages so I have a pretty good understanding of that world.

Yonoton is growing rapidly – expectations?
I believe there’s a lot of demand for this kind of services. Especially after the current events demand for payment and ordering applications will rise as people learn to use apps as a part of their daily life.

What do you like to do outside of work?
Most of my free time is spent doing different outdoor activities, cycling, climbing and hiking have been favorites lately. Everything is nice and green here after spending a few years in the California desert.

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