Yonoton appoints new QA Engineer

Yonoton strengthens its core-team with the appointment of Emiola Ibironke as a QA Engineer.

Emiola, 30, makes a transition to Yonoton after finishing Masters degree of Cognitive Computing and Collective intelligence at the University of Jyväskylä. 

Tell us little bit about your background?

I took an adventurous and a bold step into the IT world in 2008 as an undergraduate, I studied Computer Science and Information Technology. In the quest to know more about technology I travelled all the way to the United Kingdom for my first master’s degree in Information Technology Professional. In the United Kingdom, I worked as a part time IT Assistant at Sheffield Hallam University during the summer of 2016, providing solutions to users of technology. In 2019, I took another adventurous leap to Finland to study a more challenging course, a master’s degree in Cognitive Computing and Collective intelligence at the University of Jyväskylä. Just towards the end of my degree in finland, I got a fantastic opportunity to work in Yonoton during the summer of 2021 . This involved writing technical documentation in English here at Yonoton.

Why Yonoton?

I like taking up new tasks and Yonoton gives me the opportunity to solve the problems of users of technology. There is always something new to do and something interesting to find out. In addition, my creative ideas are considered and implemented. Also, the work culture in Yonoton is unique.  I like the team at Yonoton. 

 Yonoton’s future insights?

Here in Yonoton, hard work and smart-work go hand-in-hand. I  have become familiar with the software and hardware platforms used and I see myself doing more quality assurance tasks independently in Yonoton. 

 Experience from scaleups?

Yes I have.

Yonoton is growing rapidly – expectations?

Yonoton has a great potential to provide solutions to many more organisations in Finland and around the world. I am certain that more people and organisations in the hospitality and entertainment sector will become familiar with the services we render. 

Name one achievement that you are most proud of

Completing my master’s thesis this summer of 2021 is one of the achievements I am most proud of which gave me the opportunity to start work full-time at Yonoton.

 What do you like to do outside of work?

Window shopping is one of my favourite hobbies. I also love travelling, cooking and baking and listening to gospel music. Interestingly, in the last one and a half years I have developed the hobbies of food photography and food videography.

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