Yonoton appoint Project Manager

Yonoton strengthens its core-team with the appointment of Oskar Hiekkanen as a Project Manager.

Hiekkanen, 29, will be in charge of Yonoton’s large corporate client projects in the Nordics.

Tell us little bit about your background?
My goal is to be the ultimate generalist.  I’ve worked in a multitude of job functions, from accounting and analytics to concept design and sales. My career has taken me to see the way of life in startups, consulting and public companies.

Why Yonoton?
Yonoton is in a very exciting growth phase, where I can see my generalist skillset contributing in a positive way. There was a clear match after the initial discussions whereafter it was an easy decision to join the world-class team.

Yonoton is growing rapidly – your expectations?
My expectations are to be a part of building a world-class service in a team where I will certainly learn more than I can teach.

Yonoton’s future insights?
The prospects are great. The share of services in the world economy is growing. That creates an increasing demand for amazing customer experiences.

Name one achievement that you are most proud of?
Winning the Finnish Championship in American Football (2012). Our inexperienced team beat all expectations through great team cohesion.

What do you like to do outside of work?
Sports (climbing in particular) as well as reading non-fiction helps me wind down.

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Mitä tehdään, kun menee liian hyvin?


Yleensä ravintolan suurin pullonkaula on myynti: “Voi, olisipa enemmän asiakkaita!” Toisinaan kuitenkin vahvan brändin ja onnistuneen kampanjan ansiosta ongelma siirtyykin keittiöön.

Yonoton ja Herales yhteistyöhön


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