Yonoton appoint Anssi Haarala from Vincit

Yonoton strengthens its core-team with the appointment of Anssi Haarala as a Senior Software Engineer.

Haarala, 33, makes a transition to Yonoton from Vincit, a public software company.

Tell us little bit about your background? 

Earlier in my career I have worked as a Software Engineer consultant in several different companies. I have experience from small and large companies in real estate and logistics industry where I solved their problems with software solutions.

Why Yonoton? 

I have worked as a consultant before, and my interest waked up for startup companies when I noticed Yonoton. It is such a good state small product company where is combined good idea, nice team and potential of growth. I am looking forward to join team and to develop modern service that solves the real life problems.

Thoughts of jumping from a listed company to a startup?

For me it is possibility to work in the small growing startup company that gives me a good experience in new field in my career. I get motivation from seeing my own work concretely in results of company. And that makes me more engaged to company and for support its growing.

Yonoton is growing rapidly – your expectations? 

Currently seems that in the market there is a place for the product that makes ordering process easier for users and I believe that Yonoton has good market position and technology to fill that. It is win-win situation for all the participants who use that product because it helps Yonoton’s customers to growing their revenue and their own customers get better user experience.

What do you like to do outside of work?

In my freetime I love to travel around the world and enjoy local food culture. In sports, gym is my favourite hobby and I like read and program a lot as well.

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Mitä tehdään, kun menee liian hyvin?


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