Yonoton & Zoined partners - omnichannel data analytics made simple

Omnichannel data analytics made simple with new partnership between Yonoton and Zoined.

Making proper use of all the data generated in various sales channels used to be very difficult and time consuming for restaurants, hotels and theme parks. With the new joint offering formed from a partnership between Yonoton and Zoined, companies operating in these industries can now have all the relevant data easily available via visual reports and dashboards and further mined for actionable insights.

Whether it is analysis by departments, staff, customers, products, categories or campaigns, users can easily check the big picture and the details from the Zoined Analytics tool.

Norway's largest theme park, Dyreparken, uses Yonoton's omnichannel platform powered by Zoined Analytics.

Data-driven decicions 

Zoined acts as a powerful reporting and analytics extension to the Yonoton eco-system which offers a digital omnichannel platform to operate branded applications, PoS (Point of Sale), webordering, order management system, self-service kiosks and NFC payments. Zoined will allow Yonoton customers to ‘act on facts’ in real-time and make better, data-driven decisions for their business. The two companies have joint-customer-cases within restaurant and theme park industries in Norway and Finland. 

Sasa Moilanen, CEO of Zoined says: “Yonoton is a highly innovative company with fast execution capability in the rapidly growing digital ordering and payment service industry. By combining forces with Yonoton we have together provided an outstanding joint offering where the huge amount of data gathered from all the Yonoton sales channels and other relevant data sources is easily available for analysis for the customers.”

Teemu Karenius, CEO of Yonoton says: “We’re really pleased to have Zoined as a  partner. This partnership makes omnichannel data more accessible to our customers which, in turn, will help them make crucial business decisions faster and based on the relevant facts.”


About Zoined
Zoined is a cloud based SaaS offering consisting of an out-of-the-box reporting and analytics product for retail and hospitality industries. Zoined generates data-driven actionable insights to help people make better decisions to boost their bottom line results.

About Yonoton
Yonoton is a versatile SaaS platform that manages digital ordering and purchase processes in the Nordics. Yonoton’s revenue driven services are used within international restaurant and hotel chains to theme parks and mass events.

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