Why hotels are choosing to go digital

Hotels It's critical to not only keep track of the latest technology trends in the industry, but to move with the times.

To keep your finger firmly on the pulse and adapt in a fiercely competitive market. This has been highlighted in the past 12 or so months in light of the covid pandemic. For those business not willing to change and adapt it could be the end of the road.

Today we are looking at how implementing the right technology can enhance your business, drive revenue and ensure you are ahead of the curve. We know that the hospitality industry is a people business and that guest interaction is important. We also know that there is now a whole new generation who do absolutely everything via their mobile phone. So, ensuring your hotel has the right blend of technology and human interaction is essential in order to please all of your guests. Post covid there will be an even greater need to reduce touch points, waiting in communal areas and to ensure swift ordering to reduce waiting times. 

Contactless payments are becoming increasingly popular with guests. They offer a number of advantages for hotels & resorts. Apart from speeding up the process & improving customers satisfaction contactless payments are also compatible with loyalty programmes. Of course a key feature is also that customers do not have to have their wallet with them & of course with covid ever in our minds, contactless payments will offer the opportunity for hotels to reduce touch-points whilst ensuring your guests an excellent services with the added benefit for the venue of reducing overheads, ultimately increasing revenue. 

At Yonoton we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of key features for hotels, restaurants & theme parks alike. Whether its contactless payments, room service or digital check-in we have a solution for your venue. From Self service kiosks to a fully branded mobile app from web shop to NFC payments we have you covered every step of the way. Why not invest 30 minutes of your time with us today and find out why some of the world’s biggest brands have partnered with the Yonoton platform. 

Author: Joe Griffin, Sales Manager at Yonoton

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