We're hiring: Software Engineers

As Yonoton is growing fast, our experienced technical team is looking for multiple reinforcements to further develop Powered by Yonoton omnichannel platform.

A year and a half has passed since the pandemic threw everything in the restaurant and leisure business upside down and you might be asking yourself how we are still around and looking to hire. Thanks to our healthy funding situation and above all clients that are willing to innovate with us to better service their customers, we’ve been able to spend our time solidifying our platform and coming up with new products.

As travel and other restrictions are slowly being lifted and digitalization continues to pick up speed, this means two things. First, demand for our products is higher than ever. Second, we are ready to capitalize on the opportunity. And with that we are again looking for a couple of talented engineers to join our team.

Currently our team comprises 12 developers (including consultants). The team is split into smaller teams according to different focus areas. These include different concepts such as our core app platform, individual products, or backend architecture. Team members may move from one focus area to another depending on workload, but the core idea is to ensure focus on one thing for at least a couple of months at a time, usually longer.

In the near and medium term our roadmap has a wide variety of development projects including greenfield app development projects, continuing the migration of our backend monolith to microservices, creating a v2 of our admin panel, and so on. In most of these you’d at least start by working alongside at least one of our seasoned developers, but as we are still a small team, we’d like you to have at least a couple of years of experience shipping quality code to production.

In the frontend all of our products are built with React and React Native using TypeScript. In the backend we use Micronaut and Kotlin. If your CV includes some or all of these buzzwords, great! Knowledge of Terraform and AWS are definitely a plus.

Mobile Phones

Our development philosophy is very much focused on quality and robustness. Whether we develop library components that will be re-used in numerous applications or features to our point of sale software with millions in sales every day, it definitely saves time to design things well and verify the implementation with a battery of unit tests. In addition, the latest addition to the Yonoton team is our QA engineer Emiola who will help us create even better products. So when we look for that mysterious “good fit”, our main concern is whether you’d describe your developer persona more as a tea-drinking proud-of-your-work gardener or a tequila-slamming shoots-from-the-hip cowboy/cowgirl.

Our compensation is negotiable, but will be competitive and structured so that as the growth continues, there will be a nice slice for you as well.

Want to know more about us? Read Jackie’s interview [here], it should answer the most common questions. You can reach us at rekry@yonoton.com in case you have any questions or you’d like to join the team.

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