We are hiring again!

The last time you saw one of our ads you were probably wondering if it’s wise to join a startup focusing on the hospitality industry in these uncertain times.

We’re still here and finding new ways to help our clients in their digital transformation! And you know what they say, the best time to join Yonoton was yesterday, and the second best time is today! 

Things move fast and we are a small team, so even though you will have the team’s full support, one of our requirements is to have the skills and the confidence to make independent decisions. So preferably you would have a few years of experience shipping code, but exceptions can be made if you convince us otherwise.

The biggest need at the moment is on the frontend, we are kicking off a greenfield React Native (TypeScript) project, which would initially be your main focus. On the backend we run JVM microservices and manage our infrastructure using Terraform. If you like working with those also, great! 

Our compensation is negotiable, but will be competitive and structured so that as the growth continues, there will be a nice slice for you as well.

Want to know more? Read Jackie’s interview [here], it should answer most common questions (e.g. why we have a picture of a couple of pro footballers posing in Yonoton fanwear).

You can reach us at rekry@yonoton.com in case we missed something (or you want to join the team).

Other open positions: Pre-Sales Manager I Avainasiakas- / projektipäällikkö

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