We are hiring!

As Yonoton is accelerating fast, our experienced technical team is looking for multiple reinforcements to further develop Powered by Yonoton omnichannel platform.

So, the last time you saw one of our ads you were probably wondering if it’s wise to join a scaleup focusing on the hospitality and entertainment industry in these uncertain times. Well, we’re still here and finding new ways to help our clients in their digital transformation.

Year 2020 was a good year for us. We grew the team by 8 people (tripling our team!), started operations in four new countries and tripled our turnover. And you know what they say, the best time to join Yonoton was yesterday, and the second best time is today! 

Things move fast and we are a small team of 16 that is growing rapidly, so even though you will have the team’s full support, one of our requirements is to have the skills and the confidence to make independent decisions.

From a technical point of view our challenges vary from greenfield mobile and web app projects to migrating our v1 backend monolith to shiny new microservices. If your focus is on frontend, we’d like you to have at least a couple of years of experience shipping quality code to production in React or React Native, preferably in TypeScript.

We already have a few people working on our core app library and other frontend projects full time, so you don’t need to know every dark corner of React from the get go. If you are more of a backend artisan, a part of your role will be to refactor large chunks of code from our v1 Spring Boot monolith to microservices using the best technology for the task at hand (ok, in practice most of the time this means Kotlin). This means that you’ll need to have the experience to know whether to use a scalpel or a sledgehammer and to trust your spider-sense if it’s warning you of potential pitfalls in your approach. Knowledge of Terraform and AWS are definitely a plus.

As a matter of fact, it looks like we might need to hire two people!

Our compensation is negotiable, but will be competitive and structured so that as the growth continues, there will be a nice slice for you as well. Want to know more? Read Jackie’s interview [here], it should answer most common questions.

You can reach us at rekry@yonoton.com in case we missed something (or you want to join the team).

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