Video: This is how Yonoton omnichannel works

Yonoton's CRO, Mr Atte Kniivilä, presents the power of one-in-all platform on instruction films.

Yonoton is a true omnichannel SaaS platform for the restaurant and entertainment industries.

One platform for PoS, Mini-PoS, self-service kiosk, webordering and branded app.

The beauty of the ground breaking solution is that all differnt products are operated from the very same backend. No need for multiple integrations, save money by giving up on overlapping softwares, handle product info from one place only and collect coherent data from all sales channels. 

On videos below, Yonoton's CRO, Mr Atte Kniivilä, presents the power of one-in-all digital platform.

The Yonoton POS 

The Mini PoS

The Yonoton Kiosk

The Yonoton Order Management

The Yonoton Mobile Ordering

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