Nets and Yonoton start extensive sales cooperation

Yonoton Ltd. and Nets start sales cooperation in Nordic Countries. Yonoton is a technology company specialising in digital ordering and buying processes. Nets is one of Europe’s leading service companies in digital payments. Nets Netaxept payment platform is used in all Yonoton’s SaaS products. 

The companies cooperate in many different customer sectors from amusement parks such as Norway´s Dyreparken to big hospitality industry operators, such as NoHo Partners and Sodexo. The integration of their products creates direct client benefits like improving the customer experience and simplifying the buying processes for both business clients and individual consumers.

“Our goal here at Nets is to make tomorrow a little easier, and Yonoton has the same idea built in their services. It is great to be part of this enabling of modern, effortless services that help people to focus in the actual experience they are participating”, says Nets Sales Director Jaakko Laurila.

“Yonoton is in the process of expanding the business globally. We want to cooperate with agile companies like Nets that strive forward. It is extremely important to facilitate the use of digital payments”, states Yonoton CEO Teemu Karenius.

“Yonoton application was perfect for us!”

One of the shared partners is Europe’s biggest sports and leisure centre Vierumäki. The main owner of Vierumäki through his investment company Keele Ltd is the founder of energy group ST1 Mika Anttonen. Vierumäki decided to develop their digital services to use them as a communication channel and to make purchasing easier. Their goal is to grow into one of the world’s most innovative sports theme parks by using modern digital services.

“Yonoton application was perfect for us”, says Vierumäki Customer Experience Director Mikko Ahonen. “Through the new application customers will be able to, for example, reserve playing fields and order food and drinks from our restaurant. We can inform them about events and current activities, and there will also be an interactive map and loyalty programmes integrated into the application. New Vierumäki Friends -service will be launched at the end of October”, Ahonen continues.

Vierumäki’s vast service selection with 300 sports activity choices is presented clearly in the application, and when a customer spots something interesting, purchases and reservations are made possible immediately.

“Vierumäki organisation benefits as we get useful data about client behavior and movements through the application. With that information we can target our marketing more precisely. We also strongly believe that making purchasing easier will increase sales. Our employees, on their part, will benefit when the amount of manual work and the number of reservation calls decrease”, says Mikko Ahonen.

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Yonoton Ltd.  is a digital service dedicated to provide ultimate customer experience and maximize revenue for businesses. Yonoton services are used in over 3.500 annual events from restaurants, theme parks to brick & mortar stores and mass events. Yonoton has won several prestige competitions for its innovation, design and concept. 

At Nets, we see easier payment solutions as the foundation for growth and progress – both in commerce and society. The Nets Group, which employs 3,500 people and now includes German Concardis and Polish Dotpay/eCard, helps hundreds of financial institutions, and hundreds of thousands of businesses and merchants in Europe make tomorrow a little easier for their customers while delivering unrivalled security and stability. Powering a tomorrow that’s easier than today. This is what drives us.

Vierumäki is Europe’s biggest and most versatile sports and leisure centre, and also the home of renowned The Sport Institute of Finland. Vierumäki was founded in 1927, and it attracts 400.000 visitors annually. At the centre there are over 300 sports activities to choose from and accommodation for 1.800 people.


More information:

Jaakko Laurila, Sales Director, Nets, +358 40 848 2911

Teemu Karenius, CEO, Yonoton, +358 40 506 7541

Mikko Ahonen, Customer Experience Director, Vierumäki, +358 50 302 2417

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