Finnish government organization grants 1,25 million euros to Yonoton

Yonoton Ltd. has been selected to Business Finland’s Young Innovative Company funding (YIC) programme.

This funding is intended for the most ambitious and rapidly growing startup companies to accelerate their global growth. Annually approximately 40 companies are selected to this programme. Yonoton will use the funding to business development and staff augmentation.

“This is a brilliant opportunity for us to accelerate our international business and global growth. We have ambitious plans to be the next big international success story from Finland,” says Yonoton CEO Teemu Karenius.

Yonoton have gone international this year. Business Finland’s Young Innovative Company funding will be used for business development and hiring new core-personell. First new recruitments will be announced within weeks.


Yonoton Ltd.  is a digital service dedicated to provide ultimate customer experience and maximize revenue for businesses. Yonoton services are used in over 3.500 annual events from restaurants, theme parks to brick & mortar stores and mass events. Yonoton has won several prestige competitions for its innovation, design and concept.


Business Finlandhas been granting YIC funds since 2008 and has so far helped 411 promising startups with their global growth. The funding for each selected company is 1,25 million euros that is granted in three stages when the company meets the goals that are set when the funding decision is made.


More information:

Teemu Karenius, CEO, Yonoton Ltd.

+358 40 506 7541,

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