Dyreparken's reaches all time record - 100 million in sales!

Norway's largest theme park, Dyreparken, had its all time record year and did over 100 million in sales over its digital sales channels!

Norway's largest theme park, Dyreparken, constantly tests new digital innovations at the Park. The year 2021 was Dyreparken's all time record year, which was boosted by its digital omnichannel services. The Park used Powered by Yonoton app, Point-of-Sale system, order management, self-service kiosks, NFC wristband payments and virtual queuing system.

The results were quite remarkable:

- 102.000.000 NOK in sales via Yonoton platform
- 650.000 transactions via Yonoton platform
- 300.000 app installations  
- 3,8 million navigation inquiries
- #1 Norway's most downloaded travel app
- #6 Norway's most downloaded app

Yonoton, together with Dyreparken and world's largers touch screen operator ELO touch did filming around the Park to show how well Dyreparken uses digital omnichannel-services running the Park business.

Dyreparken is the most visited attraction for families with children in Norway, which boasts over one million annual visitors. Dyreparken covers an area of 60 hectares and consists of a zoo, amusement park, water park, and five different accommodation concepts.

Read Dyreparken's 2021 case study IN HERE to learn how ditalisation was used at the park to generate more sales and to save money from the operational costs. 

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